Thies Mueller Service Solutions
Providing IT Solutions as you need them.
Based in Hamburg, Germany
What I do
Here are some things we do. If you'll need us for something else, just drop us a message and maybe
it'll work out.
We mostly do stuff for non profits and smaller organizations. If your project doesn't fit our profile
We'll happily refere you to someone else if possible.
Services provided by us:
Network Consulting
(On Prem) Infrastructure Management
App Hosting
Security Consulting
Disaster Recovery
Incident Management
Project Management
Open Source Technology Implementations
Platforms provided by us:
Streaming Solutions
We provide streaming from small self hosted platforms to providing infrastructure for Twitch / YouTube streams, as well as production management.
RegattaTech.DE is providing services for boat races of all kind.
Hosting of any kind for left wing projects. If you think you or your group will fit,
just get in touch! :)
Projects we participate:
Alpaka Infra Crew
We formed
Alpaka Infra Crew to help groups in the "Jugend hackt" network organize themselves.
We're only employing open source technologies and strive to replace closed source tools
throughout the network.
These are some of the services I provide: (Services in italic can be used without being a customer)